[nodejs] trepan-ni 3.4.5 - node --inspect debugger with a more gdb-like interface.
Rocky Bernstein
2018-10-28 12:23:49 UTC
Package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/trepan-ni

Source: https://github.com/rocky/trepan-ni

The v8 debugger protocol rocks. The standard cli interface to it less so.
For example, missing is simple frame-motion commands like "up", "down",
with attendant evaluation in that context are possible from the protocol.

This tradition of cool debugger protocols with crappy CLI interfaces I
first noticed in jdb
Creating a decent CLI isn't all that hard.

You might think well, no one uses CLI interfaces any more. As I watch my
colleagues work, especially those who work in cloud and container-based
systems, I am seeing that they are still using command-line interfaces
quite a bit.

Finally, for those would-be command-line debugger interface writers,
instead of inventing a new interface, why not pick an existing one to work
off of? Here I selected *gdb
<http://sourceware.org/gdb/download/onlinedocs/gdb/index.html>* (as I've
done in the many <https://zshdb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/> other
<https://python3-trepan.readthedocs.io/en/latest/> I've
<https://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::Trepan> done

By doing this, as you learn any of the debuggers, you'll most likely be
able to apply to the other debuggers, including *gdb* and vice versa.

What I have come to learn, especially with the stock node inspect, is that
most people don't really know how to use the full power of what's already
there. This is partly due to its differentness.

But it is also partly due to its sparse documentation.
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