[nodejs] Conceptual question about modules [learnyounode: Make It Modular]
Matias Salimbene
2018-08-05 14:01:48 UTC
Hello there, I'm going through the learnyounode workshop, currently on the
Make It Modular section. I'm not getting a clear picture of how modules

Suppose I want to create a new module named "mod1":


I would have to create a subfolder named "mod1" with files *index.js*
and *package.json*. Does *index.js* contains the actual code, and
*package.json* is simply descriptive?

The workshop doesn't seem to use said structure but instead simple uses
a separate file for the *exported function* code. I think it has to do
with using a *single function export*, rather that a full module that
would contain any amount of function (I guess).

Even though I've created the subfolder with both files, when i ran the
following from cli:

node -pe "require('mod1')"

I get

Error: Cannot find module 'mod1' error.

Any clarification to these is greatly appreciated, cheers!
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Simon Renoult
2018-08-07 09:17:04 UTC
Hi Matias,

It's mostly a question of definition:

A *module* is a file (see the official documentation
<https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html#modules_modules>). A *module* (ie: a
file) can export anything from a variable to a function. If it starts with
"./" (ie: "require('./foo')") Node.js will try to find it based on its
relative path. If it's just the package name (ie: "require('path')"),
Node.js will try to find it in its native modules (http, fs, etc.) or in
your local installed modules (in "node_modules").

So if you want to create a new module named "mod1", you have two options:

- Simple solution: create a file named "mod1.js". Don't forget to
prepend "./" when requiring the file: "require('./mod1.js');". The file
extension ".js" can be omitted.
- Complicated solution: publish an npm package

To answer your questions:

I would have to create a subfolder named "mod1" with files *index.js* and
Post by Matias Salimbene
*package.json*. Does *index.js* contains the actual code, and
*package.json* is simply descriptive?
No. This is only necessary when creating an npm package (aka the
"Complicated solution").

The workshop doesn't seem to use said structure but instead simple uses a
Post by Matias Salimbene
separate file for the *exported function* code. I think it has to do with
using a *single function export*, rather that a full module that would
contain any amount of function (I guess).
No. A module can contain as many functions as you want. And a *module *can
be made of *modules*, so it scales. But it's mostly a matter of definition.
In Node.js a *module* is just a file. You could consider that what *you*
call *module* is what we usually call a *pacakge*. A *package* can be found
on NPM (= Node *Package* Manager). A *package* is not an official Node.js
term though. A *package* is a module (aka a JavaScript file) + a
package.json file that describes this module dependencies and other meta

Even though I've created the subfolder with both files, when i ran the
node -pe "require('mod1')"
I get
Post by Matias Salimbene
Error: Cannot find module 'mod1' error.
Yep, you forgot "./" "before "mod1".
Post by Matias Salimbene
Hello there, I'm going through the learnyounode workshop, currently on the
Make It Modular section. I'm not getting a clear picture of how modules
I would have to create a subfolder named "mod1" with files *index.js*
and *package.json*. Does *index.js* contains the actual code, and
*package.json* is simply descriptive?
The workshop doesn't seem to use said structure but instead simple
uses a separate file for the *exported function* code. I think it has
to do with using a *single function export*, rather that a full module
that would contain any amount of function (I guess).
Even though I've created the subfolder with both files, when i ran the
node -pe "require('mod1')"
I get
Error: Cannot find module 'mod1' error.
Any clarification to these is greatly appreciated, cheers!
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